*All that is the highest ability, thought. and action in me, greets all that is the highest ability, thought and action in you*

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Art of Story Telling

My girlfriend took a few classes and story telling is truely an art form. As a Montessori Educator you tell a lot of stories to the children to peak interest in the materials and to introduce history via the great lessons.

Once you settle on a story, you will want to spend plenty of time with it. It will take a considerable period of time and a number of tellings before a new story becomes your own. Read the story several times, first for pleasure, then with concentration. Analyze its appeal, the word pictures you want your listeners to see, and the mood you wish to create. Research its background and cultural meanings. Live with your story until the characters and setting become as real to you as people and places you know. Visualize it! Imagine sounds, tastes, scents, colors. Only when you see the story vividly yourself can you make your audience see it!


