*All that is the highest ability, thought. and action in me, greets all that is the highest ability, thought and action in you*

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Misunderstood Minds

As Educators it is important to understand our children. With ADHD reaching epidemic proportions, most of which are misdiagnosed Learning Differences.

Before running off to the Doctor, please educate yourself with the different types of LD's that many children experience daily.

Facts about LD's that I have learned along my path:

1. LD's happen more often in gifted learners.
2. Up to 80% of incarcerated inmates cannot read above a fourth grade level. Of those, up to 50% are undiagnosed learning Disabled children.
3. The brain naturally reads from right to left.
4. Children naturally spell first, then write, then read.
5. The perpetrators of the shootings at Thurston High school, Oregon, Virginia Tech and Columbine had been diagnosed with learning disabilities but had not been treated.
6. Drop out rates are 35% in learning disabled children.
7. Learning disabilities do not go away without treatment and result in low self esteem.
8. It is very hard to get learning disabilities diagnosed and treated unless you have large finances to back you.
9. Insurance does not cover it because it is the schools problem and the schools only allow a very small number to "qualify" for treatment and there is much more to this crisis that plagues our society......

EXPERIENCE FIRSTHAND what children go through.......

Visual Activity Reading with Distractions try it
Auditory Activity Listening to Directions try it
Reading Video Remembering What is Read view it

Visit Misunderstood minds for more first hand interaction of the frustrations Learning Disabled children experience by walking a mile in their shoes....